############################################################################### # # Generic Logic event handlers # ############################################################################### # # This is the namespace in which all functions and variables below will exist. # namespace eval Logic { # # PID process of Smeter measure # variable ps_smeter; global strdtmf; set strdtmf ""; # # A variable used to store a timestamp for the last identification. # variable prev_ident 0; # # A constant that indicates the minimum time in seconds to wait between two # identifications. Manual and long identifications is not affected. # variable min_time_between_ident 120; # # Short and long identification intervals. They are setup from config # variables below. # variable short_ident_interval 0; variable long_ident_interval 0; # # The ident_only_after_tx variable indicates if identification is only to # occur after the node has transmitted. The variable is setup below from the # configuration variable with the same name. # The need_ident variable indicates if identification is needed. # variable ident_only_after_tx 0; variable need_ident 0; # # A list of functions that should be called once every whole minute # variable timer_tick_subscribers [list]; # # Contains the ID of the last receiver that indicated squelch activity # variable sql_rx_id 0; # # Executed when the SvxLink software is started # proc startup {} { set ps_smeter [exec python /home/pi/test/smeter.py &] playSilence 1000; playMsg "SVXCard" "start" #send_short_ident } # # Executed when a specified module could not be found # module_id - The numeric ID of the module # proc no_such_module {module_id} { playMsg "Core" "no_such_module"; playNumber $module_id; } # # Executed when a manual identification is initiated with the * DTMF code # proc manual_identification {} { global mycall; global report_ctcss; global active_module; global loaded_modules; variable CFG_TYPE; variable prev_ident; set epoch [clock seconds]; set hour [clock format $epoch -format "%k"]; regexp {([1-5]?\d)$} [clock format $epoch -format "%M"] -> minute; set prev_ident $epoch; playMsg "Core" "online"; spellWord $mycall; if {$CFG_TYPE == "Repeater"} { playMsg "Core" "repeater"; } playSilence 250; playMsg "Core" "the_time_is"; playTime $hour $minute; playSilence 250; if {$report_ctcss > 0} { playMsg "Core" "pl_is"; playNumber $report_ctcss; playMsg "Core" "hz"; playSilence 300; } if {$active_module != ""} { playMsg "Core" "active_module"; playMsg $active_module "name"; playSilence 250; set func "::"; append func $active_module "::status_report"; if {"[info procs $func]" ne ""} { $func; } } else { foreach module [split $loaded_modules " "] { set func "::"; append func $module "::status_report"; if {"[info procs $func]" ne ""} { $func; } } } playMsg "Default" "press_0_for_help" playSilence 250; } # # Executed when a short identification should be sent # hour - The hour on which this identification occur # minute - The hour on which this identification occur # proc send_short_ident {{hour -1} {minute -1}} { global mycall; variable CFG_TYPE; spellWord $mycall; if {$CFG_TYPE == "Repeater"} { playMsg "Core" "repeater"; } playSilence 500; } # # Executed when a long identification (e.g. hourly) should be sent # hour - The hour on which this identification occur # minute - The hour on which this identification occur # proc send_long_ident {hour minute} { global mycall; global loaded_modules; global active_module; variable CFG_TYPE; spellWord $mycall; if {$CFG_TYPE == "Repeater"} { playMsg "Core" "repeater"; } playSilence 500; playMsg "Core" "the_time_is"; playSilence 100; playTime $hour $minute; playSilence 500; # Call the "status_report" function in all modules if no module is active if {$active_module == ""} { foreach module [split $loaded_modules " "] { set func "::"; append func $module "::status_report"; if {"[info procs $func]" ne ""} { $func; } } } playSilence 500; } # # Executed when the squelch just have closed and the RGR_SOUND_DELAY timer has # expired. # proc send_rgr_sound {} { variable sql_rx_id; #lecture du signal source "/etc/svxlink/smeter/smeter.tcl" puts "signal roger beep $signal"; set son "" if {$signal >=0} { #playMsg "TclSSTV" "signal"; #playNumber $signal if {$signal>=10} { set son "s9plus" ; } else { append son "s" $signal ; } playMsg "Smeter" $son; } CW::setCpm 90; CW::setPitch 890; CW::setAmplitude 350; CW::play "k" # playTone 440 500 100; # playSilence 200; # for {set i 0} {$i < $sql_rx_id} {incr i 1} { # playTone 880 500 50; # playSilence 50; # } playSilence 100; } # # Executed when an empty macro command (i.e. D#) has been entered. # proc macro_empty {} { playMsg "Core" "operation_failed"; } # # Executed when an entered macro command could not be found # proc macro_not_found {} { playMsg "Core" "operation_failed"; } # # Executed when a macro syntax error occurs (configuration error). # proc macro_syntax_error {} { playMsg "Core" "operation_failed"; } # # Executed when the specified module in a macro command is not found # (configuration error). # proc macro_module_not_found {} { playMsg "Core" "operation_failed"; } # # Executed when the activation of the module specified in the macro command # failed. # proc macro_module_activation_failed {} { playMsg "Core" "operation_failed"; } # # Executed when a macro command is executed that requires a module to # be activated but another module is already active. # proc macro_another_active_module {} { global active_module; playMsg "Core" "operation_failed"; playMsg "Core" "active_module"; playMsg $active_module "name"; } # # Executed when an unknown DTMF command is entered # cmd - The command string # proc unknown_command {cmd} { spellWord $cmd; playMsg "Core" "unknown_command"; } # # Executed when an entered DTMF command failed # cmd - The command string # proc command_failed {cmd} { spellWord $cmd; playMsg "Core" "operation_failed"; } # # Executed when a link to another logic core is activated. # name - The name of the link # proc activating_link {name} { if {[string length $name] > 0} { playMsg "Core" "activating_link_to"; spellWord $name; } } # # Executed when a link to another logic core is deactivated. # name - The name of the link # proc deactivating_link {name} { if {[string length $name] > 0} { playMsg "Core" "deactivating_link_to"; spellWord $name; } } # # Executed when trying to deactivate a link to another logic core but the # link is not currently active. # name - The name of the link # proc link_not_active {name} { if {[string length $name] > 0} { playMsg "Core" "link_not_active_to"; spellWord $name; } } # # Executed when trying to activate a link to another logic core but the # link is already active. # name - The name of the link # proc link_already_active {name} { if {[string length $name] > 0} { playMsg "Core" "link_already_active_to"; spellWord $name; } } # # Executed each time the transmitter is turned on or off # is_on - Set to 1 if the transmitter is on or 0 if it's off # proc transmit {is_on} { #puts "Turning the transmitter $is_on"; variable prev_ident; variable need_ident; if {$is_on && ([clock seconds] - $prev_ident > 5)} { set need_ident 1; } } # # Executed each time the squelch is opened or closed # rx_id - The ID of the RX that the squelch opened/closed on # is_open - Set to 1 if the squelch is open or 0 if it's closed # proc squelch_open {rx_id is_open} { variable sql_rx_id; ### Added for Smeter variable ps_smeter; # variable signal_smeter; ### Added for Smeter #puts "The squelch is $is_open on RX $rx_id"; set sql_rx_id $rx_id; ### Starting/Stopping Smeter for SVXCard if {$is_open } { #start the signal measuring # set ps_smeter [exec python /home/pi/test/smeter.py &]; # puts "ps_smeter = $ps_smeter" } # else { #puts " Au kill, ps_smeter = $ps_smeter" # stop the signal measuring # set runcmd [exec sleep 1 ; kill -0 $ps_smeter &]; # } } # # Executed when a DTMF digit has been received # digit - The detected DTMF digit # duration - The duration, in milliseconds, of the digit # # Return 1 to hide the digit from further processing in SvxLink or # return 0 to make SvxLink continue processing as normal. # proc dtmf_digit_received {digit duration} { variable strdtmf; # puts "DTMF digit \"$digit\" detected with duration $duration ms"; #when DTMF is coming truth a echo command, the durations are always 100ms. # events can by trigger by # 1- launch svxlink by this command : nc -lk 10000 | sudo svxlink # 2- give interruption command via DTMF long string code with : echo 212654321### | nc 10000 # the point 2 can by done via a network - replacing by the distant ip of svxlink if {$duration==100 } { #concatenation with global variable (declaration in namespace) append strdtmf $digit; # value to find in the code. If find, execute a command ou playing a wav sound. Reset the memory string if { [string first 654321# $strdtmf 0 ] != -1 } { spellWord "OK."; set strdtmf "" } } return 0; } # # Executed when a DTMF command has been received # cmd - The command # # Return 1 to hide the command from further processing is SvxLink or # return 0 to make SvxLink continue processing as normal. # # This function can be used to implement your own custom commands or to disable # DTMF commands that you do not want users to execute. proc dtmf_cmd_received {cmd} { #global active_module # Example: Ignore all commands starting with 3 in the EchoLink module #if {$active_module == "EchoLink"} { # if {[string index $cmd 0] == "3"} { # puts "Ignoring random connect command for module EchoLink: $cmd" # return 1 # } #} # Handle the "force core command" mode where a command is forced to be # executed by the core command processor instead of by an active module. # The "force core command" mode is entered by prefixing a command by a star. #if {$active_module != "" && [string index $cmd 0] != "*"} { # return 0 #} #if {[string index $cmd 0] == "*"} { # set cmd [string range $cmd 1 end] #} puts "DTMF décodé $cmd" # Example: Custom command executed when DTMF 99 is received if {$cmd == "99"} { puts "Executing external command 99" #playMsg "Core" "online" #set runcmd [exec ls &] #set runcmd [exec python /usr/share/svxlink/events.d/local/temperature.py > /usr/share/svxlink/events.d/local/temperature.tcl] set runcmd [exec python /usr/share/svxlink/events.d/local/temperature.py 2>&1] spellWord $runcmd # source "/usr/share/svxlink/events.d/local/temperature.tcl" # puts "temperature = $temperature"; playMsg "SVXCard" "temperature" playNumber $runcmd playMsg "SVXCard" "degrees" puts $runcmd return 1 } if {$cmd == "886788977576"} { spellWord "OK" return 1 } return 0 } # # Executed once every whole minute. Don't put any code here directly # Create a new function and add it to the timer tick subscriber list # by using the function addTimerTickSubscriber. # proc every_minute {} { variable timer_tick_subscribers; puts [clock format [clock seconds] -format "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"]; foreach subscriber $timer_tick_subscribers { $subscriber; } } # # Use this function to add a function to the list of functions that # should be executed once every whole minute. This is not an event # function but rather a management function. # proc addTimerTickSubscriber {func} { variable timer_tick_subscribers; lappend timer_tick_subscribers $func; } # # Should be executed once every whole minute to check if it is time to # identify. Not exactly an event function. This function handle the # identification logic and call the send_short_ident or send_long_ident # functions when it is time to identify. # proc checkPeriodicIdentify {} { variable prev_ident; variable short_ident_interval; variable long_ident_interval; variable min_time_between_ident; variable ident_only_after_tx; variable need_ident; global logic_name; if {$short_ident_interval == 0} { return; } set now [clock seconds]; set hour [clock format $now -format "%k"]; regexp {([1-5]?\d)$} [clock format $now -format "%M"] -> minute; set short_ident_now \ [expr {($hour * 60 + $minute) % $short_ident_interval == 0}]; set long_ident_now 0; if {$long_ident_interval != 0} { set long_ident_now \ [expr {($hour * 60 + $minute) % $long_ident_interval == 0}]; } if {$long_ident_now} { puts "$logic_name: Sending long identification..."; send_long_ident $hour $minute; set prev_ident $now; set need_ident 0; } else { if {$now - $prev_ident < $min_time_between_ident} { return; } if {$ident_only_after_tx && !$need_ident} { return; } if {$short_ident_now} { puts "$logic_name: Sending short identification..."; send_short_ident $hour $minute; set prev_ident $now; set need_ident 0; } } } # # Executed when the QSO recorder is being activated # proc activating_qso_recorder {} { playMsg "Core" "activating"; playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder"; } # # Executed when the QSO recorder is being deactivated # proc deactivating_qso_recorder {} { playMsg "Core" "deactivating"; playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder"; } # # Executed when trying to deactivate the QSO recorder even though it's # not active # proc qso_recorder_not_active {} { playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder"; playMsg "Core" "not_active"; } # # Executed when trying to activate the QSO recorder even though it's # already active # proc qso_recorder_already_active {} { playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder"; playMsg "Core" "already_active"; } # # Executed when the timeout kicks in to activate the QSO recorder # proc qso_recorder_timeout_activate {} { playMsg "Core" "timeout" playMsg "Core" "activating"; playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder"; } # # Executed when the timeout kicks in to deactivate the QSO recorder # proc qso_recorder_timeout_deactivate {} { playMsg "Core" "timeout" playMsg "Core" "deactivating"; playMsg "Core" "qso_recorder"; } # # Executed when the user is requesting a language change # proc set_language {lang_code} { global logic_name; puts "$logic_name: Setting language $lang_code (NOT IMPLEMENTED)"; } # # Executed when the user requests a list of available languages # proc list_languages {} { global logic_name; puts "$logic_name: Available languages: (NOT IMPLEMENTED)"; } # # Executed when the node is being brought online or offline # proc logic_online {online} { global mycall variable CFG_TYPE if {$online} { playMsg "Core" "online"; spellWord $mycall; if {$CFG_TYPE == "Repeater"} { playMsg "Core" "repeater"; } } } ############################################################################## # # Main program # ############################################################################## if [info exists CFG_SHORT_IDENT_INTERVAL] { if {$CFG_SHORT_IDENT_INTERVAL > 0} { set short_ident_interval $CFG_SHORT_IDENT_INTERVAL; } } if [info exists CFG_LONG_IDENT_INTERVAL] { if {$CFG_LONG_IDENT_INTERVAL > 0} { set long_ident_interval $CFG_LONG_IDENT_INTERVAL; if {$short_ident_interval == 0} { set short_ident_interval $long_ident_interval; } } } if [info exists CFG_IDENT_ONLY_AFTER_TX] { if {$CFG_IDENT_ONLY_AFTER_TX > 0} { set ident_only_after_tx $CFG_IDENT_ONLY_AFTER_TX; } } # end of namespace } # # This file has not been truncated #