
Module SSTV

La SSTV permet de transmettre une image couleur fixe par voie radio. Ce module s'ajoute à votre configuration SvxLink et permet ainsi aux utilisateurs de votre relais de demander l'émission par votre relais d'une image. Par exemple, l'image que vous transmettez peut être une capture d'une caméra ou webcam.

# Tcl module implementation

# This is the namespace in which all functions and variables below will exist.
# The name must match the configuration variable "NAME" in the
# [ModuleTcl] section in the configuration file. The name may be changed
# but it must be changed in both places.
namespace eval TclSSTV {
# Check if this module is loaded in the current logic core
if {![info exists CFG_ID]} {

# Extract the module name from the current namespace
set module_name [namespace tail [namespace current]]

# A convenience function for printing out information prefixed by the
# module name
#   msg - The message to print
proc printInfo {msg} {
  variable module_name
  puts "$module_name: $msg"

# A convenience function for calling an event handler
#   ev - The event string to execute
proc processEvent {ev} {
  variable module_name
  ::processEvent "$module_name" "$ev"

# Executed when this module is being activated
proc activateInit {} {
  printInfo "Module activated"

 #::playMsg "TclSSTV" "commande";

# Executed when this module is being activated.
proc activating_module {} {
  variable module_name
  Module::activating_module $module_name

# Executed when this module is being deactivated.
proc deactivating_module {} {
  variable module_name
  Module::deactivating_module $module_name

# Executed when this module is being deactivated.
proc deactivateCleanup {} {
  printInfo "Module deactivated"

# Executed when the inactivity timeout for this module has expired.
proc timeout {} {
  variable module_name;
  Module::timeout $module_name;

# Envoi audio SSTV
proc send_SSTV {} {
  printInfo "Lancement SSTV"
  ::playMsg "TclSSTV" "demarrage_sstv";
   exec wget --output-document=/tmp/phot.jpg --output-file=/tmp/log_wget.txt
   exec python /etc/pisstv/pisstv-master/
   exec /etc/pisstv/pisstv-master/pisstv /tmp/phot2.jpg 8000
   exec cp /tmp/phot2.jpg.wav /usr/share/svxlink/sounds/fr_FR/TclSSTV/last_pict.wav
        ::playMsg "TclSSTV" "last_pict";
  ::playMsg "TclSSTV" "fin_image";
  printInfo "Fin transmission SSTV"
  return 1

###TEST Meteo
proc read_weather {} {
printInfo "Lecture meteo"
source "/usr/share/svxlink/modules.d/Meteo.tcl"
#playMsg "temperature_is"
playNumber $temp_bale ;
#set output [exec python /home/pi/code_jour/]
#source "/home/pi/code_jour/codes.tcl"

#    puts $output
#playNumber  $code_B
return 1

# Executed when a DTMF digit (0-9, A-F, *, #) is received
#   char - The received DTMF digit
#   duration - The duration of the received DTMF digit
proc dtmfDigitReceived {char duration} {
  printInfo "DTMF digit $char received with duration $duration milliseconds"

# Executed when a DTMF command is received
#   cmd - The received DTMF command
proc dtmfCmdReceived {cmd} {
  printInfo "DTMF command received: $cmd"
  if {$cmd == "0"} {
    processEvent "play_help"
  } elseif {$cmd == ""} {
  }  elseif {$cmd == "1"} {
  }  elseif {$cmd == "2"} {
  else {
    processEvent "unknown_command $cmd"

# Executed when a DTMF command is received in idle mode. That is, a command is
# received when this module has not been activated first.
#   cmd - The received DTMF command
proc dtmfCmdReceivedWhenIdle {cmd} {
  printInfo "DTMF command received when idle: $cmd"

# Executed when the squelch open or close.
#   is_open - Set to 1 if the squelch is open otherwise it's set to 0
proc squelchOpen {is_open} {
  if {$is_open} {set str "OPEN"} else { set str "CLOSED"}
  printInfo "The squelch is $str"

# Executed when all announcement messages has been played.
# Note that this function also may be called even if it wasn't this module
# that initiated the message playing.
proc allMsgsWritten {} {
  printInfo "allMsgsWritten called..."

# end of namespace

# This file has not been truncated
#!/usr/bin/env python
import time
import subprocess
import StringIO
from PIL import Image, ImageFont, ImageDraw
mycallsign = "F5UII" # ham radio callsign
size= 320,256
font = ImageFont.load_default()
font = ImageFont.truetype("/usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu/DejaVuSans-Bold.ttf", 18)
img ="/tmp/phot.jpg")
img.thumbnail(size, Image.ANTIALIAS)
draw = ImageDraw.Draw(img)
localtime = time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S", time.localtime(time.time()) )
draw.text((7, 7), mycallsign , (242,242,242), font=font)
draw.text((250, 7), mycallsign , (32,32,32), font=font)
draw.text((7, 220), localtime, (121,219,197), font=font)"/tmp/phot2.jpg")
ls /usr/share/svxlink/sounds/fr_FR/TclSSTV/ -al
total 2508
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root    4096 Aug 10  2014 .
drwxr-xr-x 15 root root    4096 Aug 13  2014 ..
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   61066 Aug  9  2014 code_sysop_reconnu.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  180602 Aug  2  2014 commande.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   51870 Aug  2  2014 demarrage_sstv.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   39332 Aug  2  2014 fin_image.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 root root     288 Aug 10  2014 help.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 root root  260524 Aug 10  2014 help.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 root root 1879088 Aug 31  2015 last_pict.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   20942 Aug  3  2014 name.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   19270 Aug 10  2014 signal.wav
-rw-r--r--  1 root root      24 Aug  2  2014 sub_commands_are.txt
-rw-r--r--  1 root root   22604 Aug  2  2014 sub_commands_are.wav
  • fr/module-sstv.txt
  • Dernière modification: 2020/07/05 17:12
  • (modification externe)